
"Quality Education at an Affordable Cost"

About Roy

Effective Management

High Quality Schools

Roy and his wife, Trisha, have two daughters, both of whom are students in the Merrimack School District. They have resided in Merrimack for 18 years.

With 25 years as a successful leader in the high technology industry, Roy has brought effective management skills to the Merrimack School Board.

Public education should prepare every child to be a productive, contributing member of society. A robust and vigorous curriculum should further give every student the opportunity to achieve his or her potential.



Personnel Management: As the ultimate knowledge-based industry, public schools depend on a highly educated and skilled work force. Roy's 13 years of experience as a hiring manager have helped ensure that quality staff are hired and retained by the Merrimack School District.


At the same time, Roy has been able to help manage staff reductions across the district over the past three years to keep pace with declining enrollment and changing curriculum needs. Staff reductions are never easy, but Roy’s responsible and professional approach enables the district to maintain a high quality of education while being fiscally prudent.

"In my first term on the School Board I have learned that a balanced and professional approach to public education can deliver exceptional results while maintaining fiscal discipline." -- Roy Swonger



Public education must address the needs of all students, preparing them to go to college, learn a trade, enter the military, or pursue other interests after graduation.

Latest Campaign News

Nashua Telegraph Letter: Swonger for School Board

Merrimack Journal: Candidates Night Next Wednesday

Merrimack Journal Letter: Vote Swonger for School Board

The Basics, and Beyond: A good education provides a solid foundation in the basics: reading, mathematics, and writing. An excellent education incorporates music, art, world languages, technology, the sciences, and all of the other disciplines that make our society successful.

Experience: Roy is running for his second term on the Merrimack School Board after originally being elected in 2008. During his first term Roy has negotiated three labor contracts and worked on two budgets, all of which were overwhelmingly approved by Merrimack voters. As a School Board member, Roy worked with the Planning & Building, Technology, and Budget Committees, as well as the joint Town’s Grater Woods Subcommittee.


In Roy’s experience, long-term planning with a methodical and balanced approach are key to providing a quality public education.

Budget Oversight: Roy's leadership of major corporate projects for a Fortune 500 company has been an asset in managing a school district with a $65 million budget. His experience on the Merrimack School District Budget Committee gives Roy insight into the municipal budget process.


During Roy’s first term the School Board has made the tough decisions needed to address difficult economic times. As a result, Merrimack spends less than the state average per student while still achieving exceptional results in nearly every measurable area of school performance.

The Role of Technology: Technology is as much a part of modern education as pencils and textbooks. technology.jpg It is used in the classroom and for research, is at the heart of many careers that students will pursue in later life. Roy's deep understanding of computers and software has helped the district purchase technology efficiently, and make effective use of technology in the classroom.

Education & Employment: Roy received his B. Sc. in computer science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Master of Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.


Roy is a Senior Director of Software Development at Oracle Corporation in Nashua.

Election Day is Tuesday, April 12!!

vote.gifPolls will be open 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM at the following locations.

  • St. John Neumann Church
  • James Mastricola Upper Elementary School
  • St. James United Methodist Church

Learn More

The Merrimack Exchange Club will hold its annual Candidates Night on Wednesday, March 30 at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall conference room (2nd floor of the old courthouse wing). I hope to see you there!


Roy is committed to both listening and responding to the concerns of Merrimack residents. Please send any questions or concerns to

Volunteerism: Roy has been an active volunteer in Merrimack for over fifteen years:

  • Member, Merrimack Budget Committee
  • JMUES & Reeds Ferry Elementary School Volunteer 
  • Member, Merrimack High School Space Needs Committee
  • MYA & YMCA Soccer Coach
  • Kids Kove Clean-up Volunteer

World Class Education: Roy has worked with students, colleagues, and customers throughout the world. He knows what it takes for a well-educated workforce to succeed in a global economy, and understands the types of skills our children will require to be competitive.

This web site is maintained and paid for by:
Roy Swonger for School Board, 6 Klara Dr., Merrimack, NH 03054. Norm Phillips, fiscal agent.
Thank you in advance for your support.